Major Studio – Week 12-13: Designing remote controllers.

During one of our final exercises we had to create a brand new remote controller. I was confused at first as to why such a task was given to us at this point in our project but nonetheless we accepted and did the task individually. The image was of a controller with a multitude of buttons which all had a specific function, our task was to make our own versions and state how it was better.

I opted for a more compact and smart approach. Taking reference from the remote controllers of today which serve as more of a clicking mouse feature rather than one with many buttons. This resulted in me only keeping the key features within the remote such as movement keys, play, pause and stop and Power ON/OFF functions. They felt relevant as they were used the most frequently by me when using my own home television. The round circular feature was also to make it easy to sit on the palm of ones hand and the half circles on the top serves as knobs to turn for audio and channels.

Overall it was a simple design yet it served all the purposes I would consider when using a remote. I personally detest the multitude of button in older remotes as no one would use 90% of them unless specified to. This exercise would later hopefully contribute to some changes and considerations in regards to our app.

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